We know that getting everything ready before the school term starts might be daunting at times, and for this reason, we have come up with a list of the most important equipment to label.
Applying nametags to your children’s belongings will keep them from getting lost, and help to return them to you if they do. Nametags can be also great for any office or work environment, making sure you won’t mistakenly take someone else’s workbook or pen!
Backpacks, clothes, pencil cases: you can prevent the loss of all of these objects with just one simple product!
We know just how energetic kids can get when playing and running around – this is something innate to all children. But the truth is, very often this also results in loads of items ending up lost around the school.

1. Backpack: Probably the most important object in a student's life, as it carries all the school supplies necessary for the daily lessons and activities. Labelling the school backpack can be a lifesaver, making sure all school supplies will return home safely.

2. Clothes: Both the school uniform and the extra clothing items that your child takes to school, such as PE kits, can easily be forgotten around. Using a name tag on those could make the whole process of having them returned to you much easier and quicker, with no need to look inside the lost&found basket.

3. Pencil Case: It’s also always a good idea to label all the pens, pencils, rubbers and other stationery items (even the pencil case itself!) to avoid that a classmate or colleague will take home your favourite pen by mistake.

4. Notebooks: Always containing the most important information, but still often left in the classroom as soon as it's time to run off to break time.

5. Lunch box: The break is the perfect time to eat a small snack to regain strength. Children’s lunchboxes (and adult’s as well) often look very similar to one another, so customizing it with a nametag can really help distinguish and ensure that your child eats exactly what you prepared for them.
Name labels are not only for children! Nametags are a great solution for school and children’s possessions, but adults can also benefit from labelling their belongings.

6. Tupperware: If you bring a packed lunch to work and store it in a communal fridge, you can use name tags to make sure your colleagues won't take your lunch by mistake.

7. Mug: The same can be said for your mug, which you religiously use at coffee breaks. By applying personalised name labels on it, you can always be sure it will not disappear for the day.

8. Binders: You can also customise with nametags your personal binder that contains all the information about that new project you are working on, keeping everything more organized.
Our nametags are flexible, durable, and rub resistant so they can be stuck to hard surfaces and clothing care labels. This makes them fantastic labels for all items needed for back to school, from jumpers and blazers to lunch boxes, textbooks and even school shoes. Start customising yours from our range of popular designs: